Sunday, August 28, 2011

Church - Inviting Others

Today was a great day at Church (usually always is). For once, we actually made it to the early service. When we walked into the worship center, I saw my co-worker along with several family members. Kenny and I sat behind them. As we were sitting there, I was thinking of how just a year or so ago, I had invited my co-worker to church and she brought her Daughter. Before long, I knew they were regular attenders. Today, I learned that my co-worker had also invited her Sister, her Niece and Niece's Husband (The Niece was recently baptized). Then I also noticed that the Niece, had a Son and Daughter-in-law there too. Wow! Who would have thought about the impact that inviting one person would turn out to be a total of 7 people?

I have the benefit of working for a Christian organization, so inviting her, really didn't require me to step out of my comfort zone. However, there can be Non-Christians working at a Christian organization. I don't doubt that one bit.

I would like to encourage you that if God has placed someone on your heart to invite to your church, go ahead and step out of your comfort zone and invite them. You may never know how much that might encourage someone. Whether they attend church with you, you might be prompting them to go to church somewhere else.

I do remember a time when I invited a friend to church with me when I was a Youth. The friend did not go to church with me that Sunday, but went somewhere else. I was disappointed. The friend said to me "I thought you would be happy I was at church!" I had totally missed the point.

This week some discussion has gone on about the work we do while we are on this Earth. It's not for material gain, but for Eternal gain. Whoa! Now that got me to thinking. What are we really doing day in and day out, when this Earthly life filled with material things, really doesn't matter. It's Souls that matter.

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